York Distinguished Citizen Award recipient with young male and female Boy Scouts of America

Michael Kochenour Receives the 36th Annual York Distinguished Citizen Award 


Traditions Bank is proud to announce that our founder, Michael Kochenour, was honored with the 36th Annual York Distinguished Citizen Award by the Boy Scouts of America’s New Birth of Freedom Council at a luncheon held on May 16, 2024 at York College’s Willman Business Center. This prestigious award recognizes an individual who exemplifies the values of leadership, community service, and dedication—qualities that Mike embodies both personally and professionally. Mike Kochenour Headshot

A Legacy of Leadership and Service

Mike Kochenour’s journey began with a vision to create a financial institution that embodied traditional banking values and served as a cornerstone for the community. In 2002, alongside three other founders, his concept was brought to life with the founding of Traditions Bank. His leadership was instrumental in fostering a culture where every decision is made with the well-being of our customers and community in mind.

Throughout his career, Mike has championed numerous initiatives aimed at enhancing the quality of life in York County. Under his guidance, Traditions Bank has supported innumerable community projects, educational programs, and local non-profits. His belief in giving back has not only shaped the bank’s mission but also inspired others to contribute to the community’s well-being.

Michael’s dedication to service extends beyond his professional endeavors. He has personally been involved in mentoring youth, supporting educational institutions, and participating in numerous civic activities. His holistic approach to community service ensures that his impact is felt across various facets of society.

The York Distinguished Citizen Award

The York Distinguished Citizen Award is an annual honor bestowed upon an individual who has significantly contributed to the betterment of York County through their professional accomplishments and community service. The Boy Scouts of America’s New Birth of Freedom Council recognizes those who not only lead successful careers but also dedicate themselves to uplifting others, embodying the principles of Scouting in their daily lives.

Mike Kochenour’s recognition as the recipient of this year’s award is a testament to his unwavering commitment to these ideals. His extensive work in the community, ranging from philanthropic efforts to active involvement in local organizations, mirrors the core values of the Boy Scouts—trustworthiness, loyalty, helpfulness, and reverence.

York Distinguished Citizen Award sitting on a table“It is easy to cite all that is wrong with the world,” stated Mr. Kochenour, “but my personal preference is to collaborate and build and rebuild on what is right. Scouting is an example of what is right. Scouting reinforces the importance of faith, builds character, and grows our youth with strong principles. It teaches selflessness and shows how much more can be accomplished as a team. Scouting values diversity and has been responsive to demographic and social changes. It has a passion for community service and unites people to solve problems and reimagine opportunities. And Scouting strengthens our resolve as the strongest country in the world. I am so proud to receive this lofty honor, not just for me but for my family, for my team at the Bank and for the countless friends that I unite with to serve our community,”

Receiving the York Distinguished Citizen Award is a recognition not only of Mike’s past achievements but also of his ongoing commitment to making a positive difference. It serves as an inspiration to all of us at Traditions Bank to continue striving for excellence in service to our community.

Please join us in congratulating Michael Kochenour for receiving 36th Annual York Distinguished Citizen Award.

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